For women in their 40's & 50's who are finally ready to lose weight & keep it off for good

This is for you if:

  • You have a closet full of clothes you can't fit into.

  • It's been years since you were willingly in the photos!

  • Ever since you turned 40, losing weight has seemed so hard!

  • You know weight loss requires work and you're willing to put in the time and energy, you just want your efforts to pay off!


YOU NEED TO READ THIS: Most diets are one size fits all. 

Teaching the exact same cookie cutter strategy to everyone, as if we are all the same.  Which is exactly why you’ve tried so many different plans, only to still be struggling with your weight. 

And this is because every woman is different

Different metabolisms

Different dieting histories

Different sizes and shapes

Different likes & dislikes

Different habits and routines

Different mindset

We are all so completely different- that we really need a plan that is actually customized to us in order to beat the odds and lose weight for good.

Truthfully, how can you expect to finally break free from the cycle of losing and regaining weight if you continue to follow plans that aren't tailored to your unique body and lifestyle?

In fact, studies show that most people can only stick with their plan for 5.5 weeks, and 95% of diets fail for the long term. 

This makes learning how to customize your plan to suit all that makes you uniquely you even more important!


If your plan is actually built around you, it will be so much more effective, and you will actually be able to stick to it long enough to see results!


The MACROS & MODERATION membership is perfect for you if...

  • You have 5-100+ pounds to lose

  • You realize that all the 'fad' diets don't get you lasting results

  • You just can't do another restrictive diet

  • You want some flexibility in your plan

  • You're not afraid to do the work, you just want the work to work

  • You want to actually learn how to lose weight eating foods you like

  • You have a lifetime of dieting behind you and know you're metabolism needs some attention.

  • You are action oriented and just need to know WHAT to do, but also recognize that community and accountability will really help you stay the course.

The Macros & Moderation Membership is an all-in-one monthly weight loss membership and community designed to help you build nutrition + lifestyle habits that result in body & health transformations that LAST...without extreme restriction or another fad diet.

And it's just for women in their 40's, 50's & 60's, because as we all know, losing weight & keeping it off is different now.

Here's how it works!

Phase 1


This often overlooked phase is absolutely key to your weight loss success as a woman over 40

Here you'll actually assess your metabolic health so that you can make a long term plan that will get you to your weight loss goals.

Phase 2


We are ALL different. We need to build a plan that is tailored to that we can stick to it effortlessly.

Phase 2 is all about customizing your plan to you so that it is the most effective and enjoyable (for you)!

Phase 3


Here's where you will implement your customized plan.

You will start, test, and tweak to make it work for you. You will learn how to fit foods you actually love into your life! You will start to move your body in a way that feels good and is effective!

You will finetune your lifestyle habits so that you TRANSFORM!

Dieting doesn't get you the health or body you want...a long-term CUSTOM plan does.

You know you need to change things...but you don't know what will be worth the effort...

I talk to women everyday who struggle with weight gain now that they're in their 40's & 50's.

The things they used to do just don't work anymore.

And the weight is slowly creeping on and refusing to budge.

They tell me they just want to know what to do. They just want their old clothes to fit. And above all, they want to feel confident again!

If you're here now...then this membership is for you!

The women I work with have had so much success with Macro Counting that I felt obligated to make a a super affordable option to offer to every woman who is legitimately ready to tackle this for once and for all.

I want anyone who is serious about getting to their weight loss goals, but feels stuck, to JOIN NOW!

Macro Counting (the way we teach it) will get you results...YOU JUST NEED TO KNOW HOW TO MAKE IT WORK FOR YOU!

By taking the time to consider your unique body & lifestyle, you can actually start getting results that last!

  • Nutrition

  • Movement

  • Sleep

  • Stress

  • Mindset

  • Metabolism

In this one of kind membership you are going to:

  • Lose body fat, gain confidence, and get your metabolism back under control- without skipping out on foods you love!

  • Get guidance and create a no BS plan to get you the results you've always wanted...but that last this time!

  • Learn how to incorporate macro counting and lifestyle habits that really move the needle alongside a group of likeminded woman with all the support and encouragement you need!

Full Access to All The Tools, Training, & Support you Need to Get To Your Goals!

Complete Macro Counting Course Library

[$997 Value]

  • Learn how to execute a fat loss phase, a reverse diet, and maintenance so that you know how to get to and stay at your body goals forever more.

  • Video Guides and worksheets to help you really understand what you're doing and why.

  • Grocery Lists/Protein Guides/Trackers so that you can hit the ground running

Daily support & accountability

[$550 Value]

  • Join an amazing private facebook community of other women all tackling the weight loss thing for once and for all!

  • Get support while you navigate each new learning phase

  • Ongoing resources developed with your journey in mind

  • Monthly group challenges to help you dig into your goals!

Recipe Vault

[$89 Value]

  • 64 Macro Friendly recipes so that you never get bored!

    Bonus: the macros are already calculated for you, so you just need to add them to your tracking app!

Bi-Weekly Live Coaching Calls

[$500 Value]

  • Join twice monthly live 60-minute group coaching calls to ask questions & get support along your journey so you feel confident you're moving in the right direction (replays will be available)!

Ok, Lhasa, what's the investment?

You're probably thinking that is going to cost you an arm and a leg (like all of the other programs out there)...but, listen, we are truly passionate about sharing our method with as many women as possible. Because we know that mid-life weight loss doesn't have to be so dang hard!

So yes, that's over $2100 in value, but the cost to you, is just $67 . And you can cancel at anytime.

There is no risk. Only results!



  • Complete M&M Course Library

  • Bi-Weekly Group Coaching Calls

  • 24/7 Community Support

  • Recipe Vault

  • Learn how to set & adjust your own macros

  • Cancel anytime



  • Complete M&M Course Library

  • Bi-Weekly Group Coaching Calls

  • 24/7 Community Support

  • Recipe Vault

  • Weekly Personal Check-Ins (for feedback, troubleshooting, & accountability)

  • Starting Macros & Adjustments done for you

  • Monthly At-Home Workouts

  • Cancel anytime

What happens when I join?

Upon registration you'll receive access to your private facebook community, as well as your membership portal, where you'll access the STEP by STEP 3 phase method to finally get to your weight loss goal (even if you you've tried it all)

You'll have everything you need to successfully lose fat and keep it off at your fingertips, woo-hoo!

And the best part, because your a founding member, you're price will forever be locked in at just $67/month!


Will I get a custom macro plan?

You will actually LEARN how to create your own custom plan. Most coaches won't actually share their formula...but I want you to be able to really understand what you're doing AND why. Don't worry, I've simplified it for you, so even if your intimidated by math, you can do it!

If you sign up for VIP we'll do the number crunching for you and personally help you assess your metabolism and calculate your starting macro targets for you- as well as all future adjustments).

How do the calls work?

The calls are for YOU! They are a chance to ask questions and get clarification on your macro counting journey! We meet twice a month for 60 -90 minutes. If you can't be there live, we'll give you a chance to submit your questions prior to the call. All replays will be posted in the Membership Portal.

Will I learn how to maintain my weight too?

Yes! You will learn how to execute a fat loss phase, a reverse diet, and how to master maintenance! You will be well supported though whichever phase you are in!

Is this a good place to learn how to restore my metabolism?

YES! This membership is for woman at all stages of their macro counting journey.

And for some woman with a history of yo-yo dieting or under eating, restoring their metabolism will be the first step they take...we'll show you how to do that so that soon you'll be able to enter a successful fat loss phase!

What if I want to cancel?

There are no contracts! You can cancel anytime with no questions asked!

All you need to do is email and we'll get you cancelled!

How do I get support?

You have 24/7 access in the community! You can share your wins, crowdsource, and ask question if you get stuck! There's also weekly calls, which I highly recommend joining!

Hi, I'm Lhasa!

I'm the founder of Macros & Moderation and have worked closely with over 100 women in their 40's and 50's who have not only lost pounds and inches, but thrived doing so!

Over the last 5 years I have lost and maintained a 25lb weight loss.

I became so passionate about showing women over 40 that dieting didn't have to be so dang hard, that I started a business of teaching the strategies that I learned.

I now have 4 certifications to help you through your journey!

🔆 Certified Transformational Macro Coach

🔆 Certified Moderation 365 Coach

🔆 Nutrition Coaching Institute- Level 1 Certification

🔆 Menopause Coaching Specialist

I have helped over 100 women hit their weight loss goals and have breakthroughs of their own.

My goal is to spread the 'weight loss can be easy' message to as many women as possible!

So if you're ready to try something new to lose the weight for once and for all, this is for you!