I love telling my story because I love looking back on it and seeing how much I've changed!
And of course, I love giving hope to women who are struggling...that CHANGE IS POSSIBLE!
For me, I started noticing a real shift when I hit 40.
The things that used to work for weight loss were not working anymore.
It was so discouraging to see the scale going up & up......and to only feel comfortable in the stretchy pants.
I hated all the food rules (from the countless diets I’d tried) going through my brain at ALL TIMES.
Every new diet I would start would be so full of shiny hope!
I'd get all the new stuff...immerse myself in it (thinking it was THE ONE)...and then soon enough
I'd either fall off track or just give up completely.
The sad thing is that I don't really think I learned any lasting skills from any of them.
my confidence was at an all-time low.
I was just so embarrassed about the me I was turning into.
Why couldn't I figure it out?
But now...that I am on the other side of my transformation…WOW.
I have LEARNED so much about food- and what to eat.
I just KNOW what to do to lose and maintain my weight.
I have no random food rules dictating my day.
The scale is now just a tool for me...not a measure of my worth (and does not dictate how I eat that day).
I can wear everything in my closet-because my weight is stable.
Shopping is actually fun!
I love moving my body and eating things that make me feel good!
I don't feel restricted.
I feel free!
And that, my friends, is the power of figuring it out.
I love this method (Macro Counting) so much...that I actually quit my job to work full-time coaching women over 40 on how exactly to use my Forever Free Method to lose weight and keep it off.
I guess you could say I'm obsessed!
So if you are in a stuck phase of your life...you can absolutely 100% turn it around (and I can help)....
Talk Soon,