We Start Monday!

For women in their 40's and 50s...

Discover why you haven't been able to lose the weight, and find out EXACTLY what to do to finally get the body and lifestyle you want!

If YOU'VE tried every diet out there, yet still don't have body you want, then you're likely missing what we're about to reveal in this FREE 5 Day Challenge...

This is for you if:

  • You have a closet full of clothes you can't fit into.

  • It's been years since you were willingly in the photos!

  • Ever since you turned 40, losing weight has seemed so hard!

  • You know weight loss requires work and you're willing to put in the time and energy, you just want your efforts to pay off!


  • Finally understand exactly why what you've been doing hasn't been working and what you need to do to KICKSTART fat loss (now that you're over 40)

  • Have a clear plan to help you start to lose those pounds- even if you've tried everything and nothing has worked long-term!

  • Be back in the driver's seat of your weight loss journey so that you can start to feel like yourself again!

Check out the wins that past participant have had!

Here's how it works.

Listen, I see many women trying all of the things, and not having success in their weight loss journey.

They lose the weight...and then it comes back . And then they try again...only to have the same thing happen.

Over and over and over again.

It's down right discouraging and can make weight loss feel overwhelming. ..which is why we created this challenge.

We want to show you that you are not broken...You're just missing the foundations!

And once you take into account the Key Foundations...you can start to move towards lasting fat loss in a really sustainable way!

What are the details?

The challenge runs Sept 9-13.

Everyday, starting Monday Sept 9th we are going to do a quick 15-30 minute live training that explains one of the key components to successful fat loss after 40.

You'll have a tiny bit of homework to implement each day (this is how you'll learn the steps).

And you'll be doing this all alongside a group of likeminded women, which is the icing on the cake!

And at the end of our 5 days you'll be able to understand what you need to do, and be able to put together an effective plan for yourself!

And no stress if you can't make all the days- replay's will be available!


Hi, I'm Lhasa

I'm the founder of Macros & Moderation and have worked closely with 100's of women over 40 who have not only lost pounds and inches, but thrived doing so!

Over the last 5 years I have lost and maintained a 25lb weight loss.

I became so passionate about showing women over 40 that dieting didn't have to be so dang hard, that I started a business of teaching the strategies that I learned.

I am now a certified Transformational Macro Coach as well as a Certified Moderation 365 Coach.

I have helped 100's hit their weight loss goals and have breakthroughs of their own.

My goal is to spread the 'weight loss can be easy' message to as many women as possible!

So if your ready to try something a little different- Sign up for the #KickStartFatLoss and feel the change!